Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Getting to be Habit Forming

ell, I don't know why, but I've been bitten by the "embroidery" bug. For the record, I don't embroider, sew, knit, stitch, crochet, or do anything else related to actually making clothing myself. I generally leave that to others with far more experience, time, and inclination than I. However, sometimes you have to do things yourself and head down the road less traveled.

To that end, in order to improve my horse's kit, I've decided that her saddle must have a decorative cloth of gold cover. It's no doubt going to be an ambitious project, but it must be done, much like learning to ride aside.

It is not a task that is undertaken lightly, but the reward will be the satisfaction of knowing that my horse is well dressed. So, I've purchased a small gold work kit to see what I'm getting myself into; hopefully not over my head.

Why not buy a cover? Why all the trouble?

It's all about impression and cotton damask won't cut it, not for this impression. And here's a little excerpt from the:

Wardrobe Accounts of Edward IV
Part XX For Th'office of the Stable

Delivered for the covering of a sadelle and an herneys in russet velvet cloth of gold for an hakeney, and a footeclothe maade of russet velvet lyned with blac bokeram, by vertue of a warrant under the Kinges signet and signe manuelle bering date the second day of Septembre in the xx{ti} yere of the moost noble reigne of oure said Souverain Lord the King unto the saide Piers Courteys for the deliveree of the said stuff directe,

Velvet, iij yerdes russet; velvet cloth of gold, ij yerdes di' russet; bokeram longe, v yerdes.

What's the purpose of sharing the excerpt? Well it's contemporary with my portrayal and it specifically notes "cloth of gold" being utilized in the covering of tack. No one that I know of makes authentic cloth of gold, and if they do, it is beyond my income bracket. That means in order for it to be "affordable" to me, I have to pretty much do it myself.

I will be sure to post my progress with the kit as well as the cover design for my mare's saddle.

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